Thursday 30 January 2025

The Music Village   BrusselBelgium

January 30 @ 20 h 30 min
The Music Village
Rue des Pierres 50 Steenstraat, Brussels, Belgium
Afro, Rock and Jazz coexist
Joel Rabesolo : Acoustic- Electric guitar
Damien Brassart : Soprano Sax
Orisha Joza : Percussions Drums
Madagascar, Benin and Belgium, three countries, three cultures, but one common passion: the love of music. It was in the crossroads of artistic influences, that these three musicians met. After training in jazz at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, they fused their musical roots with modern sounds. Madagascar meets the complex percussion of Benin, while the percussion from Benin, while Belgium,with its avant-garde music scene, provides a contemporary open to experimentation.
This trio redefines the notion of traditional roots by fusing it with modernity. The simplicity of certain melodic lines evoke a direct connection with the roots of African roots, but what sets their sound apart is the addition of imaginative harmonic nuances.
Fragility, which could be perceived as vulnerability,,here becomes strength. Every note, every silence, is part of a perfect balance where imagination and emotion come together to form a unique musical experience.
This trio is more than just a musical collaboration. a journey, a meeting of worlds, traditions and traditions and innovations.
TICKET: 16€ Members – No Members  18€
16€ – 18€
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Akoestiek, muziek, lichtshow, bühne, onthaal, comfort, food & drinks. Het is er allemaal; net als in de grote New Yorkse en Londense clubs. The Music Village laat de jazz en muziekfanaat, zowel publiek als artiest, de hoogdagen van de grote internationale jazz clubs van weleer opnieuw beleven.

  • Steenstraat 50
  • 1000  Brussel
  • Belgium

More about The Music Village
