Photonen sings choir music from the German romantic era - 3.15 pm - Oranjekerk - Amsterdam

Sunday 19 November Photonen Vocaal Ensemble performs Denn das Schöne... in the Oranjekerk. Weltschmerz and lyricism, beauty, sadness and lighter feelings resonate in breathtaking harmonies from the German Romantic era. Choir music by Brahms, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Schubert and Diepenbrock. The Pièce de résistance is Die erste Elegie by Rautavaara, on a text by Rilke. Conductor: Jeroen Spitteler.

Quintessential German Romanticism
This wonderful a capella programme entails Fünf Gesänge by Brahms, Wandrers Nachtlied by Diepenbrock and Nachtlied by Reger. Furthermore, choir songs by Mendelssohn and compositions by Schubert and Schumann for men and women apart.

Unsettling beauty
An exciting creation is Die erste Elegie by Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara. This impressive, introverted-expressive piece from 1993 in a layered, romantic style, echoes elements from his earlier twelve-tone adventure. The poetry from the Duino Elegies by Rilke ponders on the nature and essence of the angel, and therefore on that of man. 'For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror which we are barely able to endure'. The angel overwhelms us.

Furthermore, Drei Gesänge by Jeroen Spitteler, one of which will premiere.
Full programme and tickets via the weblink.