These live performances by Xico Ribas & ARDEMAR, and Omar Medina, are part of 'Live at our Place', a series of monthly intimate concerts by Treehouse NDSM’s musicians-in-residence. On an evening with experimental sounds and live visuals, our industrial Pavilion building will be tuned to the musician’s particular style and vibe.

xicoribas and ARDEMAR’s new project, ‘may Nature gambol!’, is an audiovisual performance for improvised piano, live electronics and visuals. The audience will be transported into a new dimension where chaos seems to seems to organise itself into beautiful sounds and visual architectures. Omar Medina will bring IDM (Intelligent dance music), soundscapes, digital jazz, 20th Century nostalgia, and dark atmospheres contrasted by synth fantasia and algorithmically generated beats.

We invite you to our place, grab a drink, sit on the couch (or dance!) and enjoy the tunes that our talented community is working on during their stay at Treehouse NDSM.

*xicoribas and ARDEMAR are supported by Keep an Eye Foundation


xicoribas is a Spanish classical-trained pianist and a music creator with a strong focus in electronics, experimentation and improvisation. He graduated in classical piano at ESMUC (Barcelona) in 2017, but decided to change his artistic direction soon after. In 2020, he finished his first Master’s in improvisation (also at ESMUC) and graduated in Live Electronic at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in 2022. There he researched ways to make electronics with some degree of noise, in order to make music where chaos and rules interact and dance between each other, always giving birth to a new creation.

More info about Xico: Instagram


Born in Portugal, ARDEMAR (1989) is a musician and creative programmer that explores Portuguese musical traditions through new technologies. For this he experiments with audio samples of traditional music field recordings, documentaries, interviews, radio programs and others, blending them with experimental electronic music. He is currently studying Music and Technology at HKU, where he started to dwell in audiovisual work. He attempts to bridge both senses with audio reactive media or with movement input from performers and public.

More info about ARDEMAR


After being active primarily as a guitarist and composer in a wide variety of projects in Mexico City's independent music scene, Omar Medina moved to Amsterdam in 2019. There he has dedicated to developing a signature style in experimental electronic music production, sound design, and creative programming. With a strong sense of storytelling, he likes to create dramatic musical situations in which one can find sounding characters living in dense yet playful scenarios. Error, randomness, haphazardness, and repetition, are concepts consistently present in his music, which find their media in algorithms, soft and hardware, field and studio recordings. Omar Medina is currently promoting ’86 a track included in his upcoming debut album.

More info about Omar Medina: Instagram | Website | Bandcamp



Live At Our Place is a series of monthly intimate concerts by Treehouse NDSM’s musicians-in-residence. Our industrial Pavilion building will be turned into the musicians’ own living room, tuned each time to their own particular style and vibe. We invite you to our place, grab a drink, sit on the couch (or dance!), and enjoy the tunes that our talented community is working on during their stay at Treehouse NDSM.

*In partnership with We Are Public.