Open jamsessie zat 23/11 15u30-18u30 in Y2 Poelestraat georganiseerd door the Silophone Sessions
zaterdag 23 november 2024
Groningen - diverse locaties • Groningen • Nederland
Locatie: Y2 Poelestraat
Poelestraat 16-18 (ingang tussen nr 14 en nr 16)
9712 KA Groningen
Komende zaterdag 23 november, van 15u30 tot ca 18u30, is er weer een Silophone Session in Y2 Poelestraat (ingang tussen nr14 en nr 16). Mensen die mee willen doen maar ook mensen die alleen willen komen luisteren zijn welkom! Vrij entree.
Silophone Sessions geeft zelf de volgende informatie:
It's almost time for another multidisciplinary improv #jamsession! :-D Dancers, musicians, spoken word artists: You're all welcome! Do drop by Silophone Session #6 for some instant creativity! All live on November 23rd at Y2 (Poelestraat 16-18) in Groningen!
So, what are the Silophone Sessions?
The Silophone Sessions are multidisciplinary improvisation jam sessions for musicians, dancers and spoken word artists, organized by violinist Renske van Donk and improv cellist Charles Belfor. Our goal: to bring together performers of many different styles, perspectives and influences at an artistic playground and to encourage them to interact with each other so that something entirely unique emerges on stage.
15.30h-16:00h: Opening act: T.B.A. (Bring some cash in order to donate!)
16:00h-17.00h: Part 1. What happens if we just mix things up?
17.00h-17.30h: BREAK! Get some drinks, get to know people you haven't met before.
17.30h-18.30h: Part 2. (Here and there we'll give the audience the chance to decide what the group performance should be about. How? We will explain during the session.)
Note: The sessions offer some form of amplification for musical instruments, singers and spoken word artists. Do let us know if you need any.
See you there :-D